Rejects of an unexplored mind.

These are shreds of thoughts which I can no longer hold onto. They cease to worm away so I let them go....

Blog Archive

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sold my soul to the devil

We have often used this phrase in really bad sense( although this is increasingly being held as "cool" ), but why exactly do we hold the devil in such a bad light. This is pure business: sell your soul and your dearest wish would be granted. On the other hand we talk about unquestioned submission to god; whereas our wishes may not be granted at all. This is grossly unfair. I am not trying to profess satanism, what I am trying to say is that the devil, if at all in existence has firmly laid down rules of operations. Even the myths say so that god has always turned to unfair means to get the upper-hand.
We believe in anything that the old wise-men had said years ago- who knows what they had  in mind. Its time for new ideologies. Think out of the box people.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The green goodness.

People have aften asked me that why on earth did I choose such a wierd name. Some even gave ma this FYI: " thy choice of name defines thee character". Relax people what is wrong if I remark that marijuana is bliss? It is quite true on the contrary; otherwise why would countless enthusiasts waste hours cutting the green weed and stuffing them into joints and so on.  Its simply because of the pleasure. So marijuana is actually bliss.
Now as some scientific backup: there is no medical proof that confirms that smoking marijuana is injurious to health. It might seem impossible, but why believe me.....just google it!!
So cheers to the green goodness: the green way of getting high :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The T-20 frenzy.

Give it a break people. How come this happens to be of much more importance than people being shot at in Chattisgarh? One of my favourite teachers once that Cricket is about a middle aged neanderthal hitting a round wooden piece with a heavy wooden club and the fellow neanderthals scampering about trying to catch that piece of wood; while a congregation of empty headed people paying to see them do so.
I could never understand how English ,who are supposed to be one of the most sophisticated civilisations in the world, could develop such a "sport".